craft beer-India Pale Ale (IPA) Beer Guide
IPA:India Pale Ale
Color: Pale gold to red, copper
ABV: 6%-7.5%
Commercial Examples: Lagunitas IPA, Russian River Brewing Company Blind Pig IPA, Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA
The most beloved acronym in all of craft beer. (Okay, may be ABV and IBU have some stake in the game, too.) Suffice to say, whether you’re a fan or not, you’ve heard of IPA, and maybe you’re wondering what all the fuss is about. The short answer: hops, Over history, for a variety of reasons, IPA, or India Pale Ale, has evolved into the most aggressively hopped beer style of them all. If you like bitter, floral, earthy, citrusy, piney, fruity, and, yes once more, bitter flavor notes, you’ll like an IPA. Of course there’s IPA and then there’s IPA—the popularity of the stuff has given rise to many styles.